In The Media

Foundry Magazine March 2012 – What’s Your Job
Foundry Management & Technology - Have you ever stopped to consider what the real essence of your job is?

Improve your productivity with three lean manufacturing principles
CIO Magazine - Daniel Markovitz has been a student of lean manufacturing since he first read The Machine that Changed the World as a Stanford Business School student in 1992…

Flurry of Inactivity
Quality Progress Magazine - One snowstorm reveals why leaders must be present in a crisis…

It’s About Time To Maximize Your Time
Physician’s Money Digest - Singer/songwriter Jim Croce wanted to save time in a bottle. Rock band Chicago asked, “Does anybody really know what time it is?”…

Where Does the Time Go? It’s Up to You
Miami Herald - Jessica Kizorek used to start her day by reading e-mail and responding until she noticed she wasn’t getting to the priorities on her to do list…

The Path To Work-Life Balance: One Size Does Not Fit All
The Hospitalist - When somebody walks up to your desk and you’re looking at your computer and kind of talking to them but also answering e-mail, this undermines the relationship, and trust deteriorates…

How To Keep Meandering Meetings On Track
Nine To Thrive - I’ve blogged about ways to avoid time-sucking, soul-quashing meetings before…

A Tension Deficit?
HR Executive Online - A new survey on tension in the workplace finds that nearly half of the workers queried think the stress level is “just right” at their organization…

Lean Principles in the Workplace
Amazing Leadership Podcast -In this Amazing Leadership podcast, Roy speaks with Dan Markovitz, founder of Timeback Management…

Managing Your Technology
Financial Planning - Invariably, the latest technology is marketed as the ultimate solution to frazzled nerves. But gadgets used without a plan will more likely result in scrambled brains than clearer thoughts….

Beat The Clock
Business Week - You arrive at your office at 9 a.m., flip on your computer, and instead of writing an overdue client proposal as you’d planned, you start answering e-mails…

Company Spotlight - Today’s company spotlight is on TimeBack Management and its founder and president, Dan Markovitz…

Take Control Of Your Career In Time
Boston Globe - Time management is one of those skills no one teaches you in school but you have to learn…

Four Tips to Unclutter Your Life
Time Magazine - Like just about everyone else I know with an office job, a couple of kids and something that passes for a personal life, I do a lot multitasking…